Oooh I love a Jammy Dodger. A London staple biccie in our household, but did you know they are a doddle to make!

Something triggered my memory this weekend, maybe the want for baking with my kids, which I never got time for (Mother’s guilt). A lightbulb moment when I remembered I had done some recipes for my fav online kitchen shop, Yuppiechef a few years back. I ought to make these again! They are so delish!
So I promise I will make time, take a deep breath, force the kids off the screens to help me. Yes, they make SO much mess but let’s take a moment. So what, there is flour everywhere even in my hair, the floor is sticky, at the end of the day they have such a blast and love making the real deal! So here you go, try this recipe. Let me know what you think!! Do you have a better one? Post it here, so we can try it!